Dingdongggg, time for updates!!! ^-^
Time just flew past and it's already mid June, GSS!
Okay this year I've more control over my purchases.. Lesser wants, more needs!
Did I mention before I now have a love/hate rls with bbcreams? Ever since my Baviphat bb cream is finished (almost), it's been so tough finding another comparable one. :x
Was considering a number of bb cream and somehow i ended up with ZA.
Was having high hopes as I saw review that it's good. No tester on the shelf so I bought it home to test, somehow I find the shade a little too orangey/peachy for me.. :x Will do a review soon, promised!
Not satisfied. I was on the lookout for alternatives and happened to receive sample of Ettusais bb cream (shade 20). Tried and tested, feels not bad.. only thing if seems a little harsh/dark (v. slight) on my face. Thus, i went on to buy in shade 10! *praying hard it suits me*
And thanks to Vaintytrove, I managed to 2 freebies as well ;p
Been using for a few times, so far so good. But, it seems to dry very quickly and hence needs a quick hand (and mu base). Two thing I like the most about this bb cream is the yellow-based shade and it's baby pink packaging! ^-^ *Ahemm, will do review too! Promised promised!*
Moving on to sales, I went to Kanebo sales on Wednesday~
I swear I'm really conscious of my purchases this time round.
Though in short span of less than half an hour, I've a total damage of $67... (I can explain my purchases!)
Looks a lot? It's actually just 3 items (box and item side-by-side).
Freshel Whitening Essence Cream. It says to target spots and is more concentrated. Just what I need to battle my badly pigmented skin!
Have yet to start on any of them, but seriously hope it works.. And, call me noob.. it's my first seeing a tube with such opening... looks pretty interesting isn't it?
Lunasol Tu Makeup Base. Apparently according to the Kanebo SA, this Tu mu base is newer and allows mu to adhere much better to the skin. This is a need. My current RMK mu base is emptying very soon and without mu base, I feel that my mu just doesn't last as long and tends to be either a little drying or oily over certain areas... Good or bad, I guess I will know this very soon!
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